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תיאור הפעילות:
קרב מגע SMART FIGHT דוגל במימוש הפוטנציאל הגלום בכל אדם ומחייב אימוץ אורח חיים טובעני, ציפיות עצמיות גבוהות, נכונות להשתנות והשתפרות תמידית, נכונות לעבודה קשה, סבלנות וסובלנות.הבסיס לדרך חיים זו הוא הפנמת האמונה, ש"כל אחד יכול הכל"
שיטת הקרב מגע דוגלת במתן פתרון יעיל ותכליתי לצורך הגנה עצמית ברחוב כנגד כל סוגי ההתקפות.
ההדרכות לילדים צעירים החל מגיל 4 שנים בהדרכת מאמנות מקצועיות בעלות ניסיון של למעלה מ25 שנה בתחום.
אביבית כהן ולאה דריי avivit cohen and lea dray
guided by a professional team of instructors headed by AVIVIT COHEN & LEA DRAY
Avivit Cohen - Founder and CEO of smart fight
From 2013, mother to 4 children.
Black Belt 5 Dan in Krav Maga, Dan 1 in Judo,
She holds a B.A in Physical Education, an international trainer in Krav Maga.
Started practicing in 1988.
In 1998 she enlisted in the IDF and served as a Krav Maga instructor in Gedana and as an instructor in an elite unit in the paratroopers base.
After her military service, Avivit returned to practice with coaches Ilan Fadlon, Haim Zut and Uri Rafaeli, and progressed in ranks with extraordinary speed.
In 2001 she successfully completed a course for instructors and immediately began to open groups and train
That year she even successfully passed the black belt test.
In 2004, she completed her BA in Physical Education from Wingate College. And owns 8 training certificates in various sports.
Between 2004-2011, she founded and guided the representative group of the Krav Maga Association Haim Zut.
In 2007 she was chosen to represent Krav Maga in Israel on the FIGHT QUEST program on a Discovery Channel that was screened in 200 countries around the world.
From 2004 to 2013 she was a member of the Professional Committee of the Krav Maga Association Haim Zut and became a dominant and valued figure among the apprentices and coaches.
In 2013, she founded the SMART FIGHT KRAV MAGA, a national network for Krav Maga in Israel and assimilation of her way of developing leadership and entrepreneurship through the Krav Maga method.
In 2015, she successfully completed a martial arts course and a * krav Maga course on behalf of Wingate.
In the year 2016, she successfully passed the Dan 5 exam, which is considered the highest level in women in the world!
Avivit Cohen believes that everyone can succeed and the only way to do so is to believe in ability and hard work!